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How to start?

No Problem!

I WRITE IT NOW (I W.I.N.) is here to help get the word out.
The way YOU envision it.

What to Expect

What is I W.I.N.?

A self-paced online course that walks you step by step through the journey to completing your book. Modules are immediately available upon registration.  Partner with God through fasting and praying each week. Members have lifetime access to materials and private Facebook group.

Who is I W.I.N. for?

Determined individuals seeking knowledge on how to self-publish their book.

Why W.I.N.?

Having the experience of self-publishing my own book, I know first hand the the obstacles and hinderances of writing. My personal victories has ignite a passion for me to help other aspiring authors cross their own finish lines. I W.I.N. identifies what writer's block really is and provides methods to overcome. The structure and clarity provided in the I W.I.N. modules provides writing success. 

No Fear!

Don't let FEAR stop you from YOUR successful FUTURE!


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